Men are notorious for skimping on our skin maintenance routines. Skin care has not been considered manly, and the label “beauty product” has not helped to get us close to moisturizers, face washes and the like. Now, things have changed quite a lot, and a weathered, leathery face is not what we want to sport anymore, nor what women prefer. But what are the bare essentials of skin care? Is there a simple routine to improve the health of our…
Category: Advice for Men
Safety Razors: Adjustable vs. Non-Adjustable
I’m new to wet-shaving. What kind of double-edge safety razor would work better for me: adjustable or fixed-head? This is a common question with new wet-shavers, and we always recommend to start with a non-adjustable razor. Fixed-head safety razors are well-suited for beginners since they eliminate the adjustability factor and allow you to concentrate on what is important, your technique. It may be a while until you consider switching to an adjustable double-edge, if at all. You might end up discovering you don’t…