Choosing the Right Blades

Choosing the Right Blades

If you are in search of that perfect shave, browsing our collection of Blades and Blade Samplers is a great way to find the best blade for your skin. As most double edge safety razors won’t include razor blades, samplers are a great, cost-effective way to personalize your shaving experience. Finding the right double edge safety blade is just as important as finding the right safety razor. Knowing the differences between blades is the first step in determining which blades would best…

Safety Razor Blade Frequently Asked Questions

Safety Razor Blade Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve already written about the best way to choose a razor blade for your double edged safety razor here, but it’s a topic worth revisiting, because the razor is such an integral part of your shave. And there’s always more to say! We’ve compiled some of our most frequently received safety razor blade questions, and their answers (although, of course, these are our opinions, and the answers can differ for everyone!) Q: What’s the best safety razor blade for sensitive…