Did you know that May 21 is National Memo Day? Memo Origin: Latin for memorandum Meaning: ‘it must be remembered’ Memorandums, MOUs, memos – whatever you call them, they play a large role in everyday life. History of the Day While memos have been around for thousands of years, it was not until 1989 that a radio station officially declared May 21 as National Memo Day. A station in Colorado started the day to raise awareness about memos that were being used…
Tag: notebooks
Preserve the Pen
Pick up a pen and practice the art of writing in honour of National Handwriting Day!
Brand Spotlight: Moleskine
Practical and functional, Moleskine’s wide stationary collection is among the world’s best. Making old, new again, the revived Moleskine brand has reinvented the joy of writing. Originally created as a passion project by a French family, it went out of business in the 1800s. Revamed centuries later, 1997 to be exact, the brand was reintroduced as Modo&Modo by an Italian publisher. Representing a time-honored tradition of journalists, writers, artists and adventurers, and the Moleskine notebook collection reflects that used by…