Farmacia SS. Annunziata Sample Giveaway

We’ve recently added the Farmacia Santissima Annunziata Fragranze delle Arti Maggiori Room Fragrance line to our collection. Now’s your chance to win a sample and test one of the seven fragrances available. Rich in history, the Room Fragrance line is dedicated to medieval Florence, each fragrance representing one of the seven guilds. TO ENTER Name a significant event or influential person of medieval Europe for your chance to win a 30 ml sample! Submit your entry by Sunday, January 26th, 2020. Leave…

Farmacia Santissima Annunziata’s Room Fragrance Line

Farmacia Santissima Annunziata’s Room Fragrance Line

Farmacia Santissima Annunziata is one of Italy’s oldest brands, dating back to 1561. Originally, specializing in apothecary, the brand slowly expanded to skin and grooming products, and a home collection. Fendrihan is excited to announce that the Farmacia Santissima Annunziata Arti Maggiori Room Fragrance collection, featuring pot pourri and home fragrances, is now available.  The highly anticipated Room Fragrance features pot pourri and home fragrances from the luxury Italian brand. The collection honours the seven major guilds, institutions that organized…