An old-fashioned tradition, straight razor shaving was once a professional service confined to the barbershop. Men would visit the barber for a haircut and receive a straight razor shave along with it. The old practice moved into the home, but was overshadowed by the safety razor, and, later on, by the disposable razor. Today, straight razor shaving is still thriving as a niche community, but the ultra-convenience and low initial cost of disposable razors has limited its popularity amongst younger…
Category: Uncategorized
Women Are Wet-Shaving
The benefits of wet shaving are well-established: safety razors are more economical, they cause less skin irritation, provide a closer shave, they’re easier to clean, and they’re better for the environment. So why on earth have only men been using them? If women started wet shaving, we could have another half of the population contributing to environmental health and saving at least $250.00 per year on shaving accessories, making us all a little bit richer and happier. Though it may…
The Perks of Mellow Mornings
Each morning is a new beginning, an opportunity to set the tone for the day ahead of you. As Henry David Thoreau once said, “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Setting aside some time to take things slowly in the morning hours can fuel you for the rest of the day, giving you the will power to deal with all of the challenges and burdens that naturally crop up. With time to quiet down and…
Happy Thanksgiving!
At Fendrihan, we believe that Thanksgiving Day is the perfect time to tell our valued customers how much we appreciate them, not only today but throughout the year as well. So, to our loyal customers, we offer you our sincerest thanks for your patronage. We are happy to be here to make your men’s grooming and shaving experience the very best that it can be. It is our pledge to continue to offer quality products from the finest international companies…
The Mother of Distinction
She does not stand so close now, but whenever you needed her steadying hand, she was there. Your every breath is now presumed, yet she remembers well when the gentle rise and fall of your chest was her only concern. Your nascent smile, the sharp-edged pearl of a budding tooth, rhythmic babbling evolving into the spoken word, unsteady balancing turning to a steady stride–all your firsts proud moments for her, yet bittersweet. Each of your accomplishments marks a growing independence,…
Has Everything Good Already Been Invented?
Some people believe that all the good stuff has already been invented. I don’t believe that is true. There is plenty of room for new ideas and inventions. However, there are some things that don’t need to be reinvented. One of these things is the wheel. Another is the razor. Now, someone just needs to break the news to Gillette before they try to patent the wheel.