The folks over at Taylor’s Eye Witness have an incredible story to tell. First registered in 1838, they’re closing in on two hundred years of history. And the name is as unique as the product. What does Eye Witness mean? Well, it was inspired by a line in Shakespear’s Henry IV – “No eye hath seen better”. But 1838 was so long ago that nobody’s quite sure!
Even more amazing than the sheer length of the company is that all of their pocket knives and kitchen knives are still made in the same factory they moved to in 1852 – and that factory hasn’t changed much since then. Here’s what it looks like now:

Now let’s take a closer look inside:
Why do we love their knives? It’s hard to put it into words, exactly. A good pocket knife should be an instinctual tool and an extension of the user’s arm. For hundreds of years, men and boys have carried in their pockets tools for slicing bread, cutting rope, and opening packages. It’s a habit that’s fallen by the wayside in the ultra-concerned era of metal detectors and flight restrictions, but we think it’s high time we roll the clock back a little. Taylor’s Eye Witness knives are about as traditional as a pocket knife can get – and there’s just something about that we like.
In fact, with a legacy this old, it’s even possible to step back in time a little. Want to know how men of distinction shopped way back then? These are from the very first sales catalogue back in 1837:
And here’s the same catalogue in 1920, almost 100 years later – but still 96 years ago!
Knives are tools of utility, and the one in your hand (or your pocket) has to suit the job. But it’s a pretty cool bonus when the knife has a history that’s older than most countries. Explore our collection of Taylor’s Eye Witness knives here.