Can’t find the product you’re looking for? We’re here to help!
We want to make your shopping experience as easy as possible. We’ve put together some quick tips to answer some of the most popular questions we’ve received about navigating our website.
Sort by Category
Use the tabs at the top of our website to browse products by collection. Hover your mouse over each heading for a list of products under that category.

We also have selected categories for our most asked recommendations; Beginners, Sensitive Skin, Thick/Coarse Hair.

Sort by Brand, Country of Origin, or Price!
When you’re browsing our site, you can filter your results to search by brand, country of origin, and/or price by using the drop down menus on the left side.

Sort by Availability
We understand how disappointing it can be to scroll through products, only to discover that what you’re looking for is out of stock. Choose the “Only show items that are in stock” option under the Availability heading on the left side to eliminate out of stock items from your search.

Utilize the Search Bar
Using the search bar at the top of our website is a quick way to find a product. Use brand names, product names or general terms like ‘safety razor’, ‘shaving soap’, ‘wallet’, etc. to generate a list of matching results. You’ll also be able to filter the results using the same steps listed above.

Have questions? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help;