Razors: Safety, Electric or Cartridge?

Razors: Safety, Electric or Cartridge?

When looking for a close, smooth shave, what’s your go-to razor? Do you reach for an electric, cartridge, or safety razor?  While each type of razor has its own benefits, a safety razor is our top choice for achieving the closest, irritation-free, shave.  The Quick Fix – Electric Razors  Preferred for convenience and ease of use, electric razors can be used by just about anyone and require little to no pre-shave care. Suitable for dry skin, electric shaving gets the…

Tallow vs. Glycerin Shaving Soap

Tallow vs. Glycerin Shaving Soap

When it comes to shaving soap, it can be hard to choose between types, brands, and fragrances. We’re breaking down the basics of tallow and glycerin shaving soaps. Some users don’t notice too much of a difference while others find it difficult to find similarities between the two. While there are many sub-categories within the two (triple-milled, vegan, etc.), we’re looking only at the basics. Try one of each and let us know what you think!  Tallow-Based Tallow is one of…

Here’s How to Get A Perfect Lather

Here’s How to Get A Perfect Lather

This is it. You’re ready to wet shave and have everything planned out. You select your favourite brush and new soap and begin to patiently swirl your brush for that rich, creamy lather you’ve been dreaming of. Your excitement quickly grows into frustration, displeasure, and annoyance, as you can’t seem to get the right consistency. You decide to try again the next day only to have the same results. It does not have to be like that.   So then what’s the secret to…

The BEST Safety Razors

The BEST Safety Razors

We’ve listed our best-selling models to help you compare, contrast, and hopefully make an informed decision, when selecting your next safety razor.  It’s no surprise that a handful of brands dominate the top 10 spots on our best-selling list. Quality, performance, and durability are common features you’ll find in the top models. Here are the BEST safety razors, according to our customers:   10. Parker 99R Barber pole Double-Edge Razor, Butterfly Opening  “Hefty, well built, solid and an extremely close shave.” – William   …

Open vs. Closed Comb Safety Razors

Open vs. Closed Comb Safety Razors

One of the most popular inquiries we receive from wet shavers is whether they should purchase an open or closed comb model. While open comb razors tend to be more aggressive, there are aggressive closed comb razors too. In deciding which model is best for you, be sure to know the facts and do your research. Check out our comparison below to help you get started.  Closed Comb  The more popular of the two types, closed comb safety razors have…

New Weekly Contest – Win a Cigar Box with Samples

New Weekly Contest – Win a Cigar Box with Samples


We’re excited to announce our new series of weekly giveaways! For the next few months, we’ll be giving away beautifully handcrafted wood or paper covered cigar boxes with a few samples of our favourite products. The contest begins Friday, May 5th and is open to Canadian and American customers. Winners will be contacted each Thursday and a new gift box will be posted every Friday. There will be three (3) ways to enter and win: Follow us on Twitter Visit…

Win an Henri et Victoria Shaving Brush and Kent Mug

Win an Henri et Victoria Shaving Brush and Kent Mug

We’re well into the Christmas season, now, and that means stress. Too much eggnog is leaving us feeling bloated and heavy. That’s why this we’re we’re lightening the load for one lucky winner. To welcome the arrival of our wonderful new Henri et Victoria shaving line, we’re giving away a brand new Henri et Victoria shaving brush, and a Kent shaving mug. Contest begins Wednesday, December 14 and ends December 23, 2016. Enter below for your chance to win. All…

CANADIANS: Win an Henri et Victoria Shaving Brush and Kent Mug

CANADIANS: Win an Henri et Victoria Shaving Brush and Kent Mug


We’re well into the Christmas season, now, and that means stress. Too much eggnog is leaving us feeling bloated and heavy. That’s why this we’re we’re lightening the load for one lucky winner. To welcome the arrival of our wonderful new Henri et Victoria shaving line, we’re giving away a brand new Henri et Victoria shaving brush, and a Kent shaving mug. Contest begins Wednesday, December 14 and ends December 23, 2016. Enter below for your chance to win. All…

Fendrihan’s Comprehensive Christmas Gift Guide, 2016

Fendrihan’s Comprehensive Christmas Gift Guide, 2016

It’s December. Start shopping. Leave the ugly sweaters and white sport sock gifting to your aunt and browse our Christmas compilation of smart suggestions for guys.   Pre de Provence Tube Roller Key – $3.50 Coffee isn’t the only thing that’s good to the last drop, especially when you want to get every last drop or dab from your favourite? Gently squeeze the dickens out of any tube of shaving cream, ointment or toothpaste with this tube roller key. Made…

Mapping Facial Hair Growth for Shaving

Mapping Facial Hair Growth for Shaving

  When it comes to shaving, are you a With the Grain (WTG), an Against the Grain (ATG), or an Across the Grain (XTG) kind of guy? For a lot of guys starting out in the wet shaving world, this question is the last thing on their mind. It’s just another thing to think about, when making a lather and choosing a razor seems complicated enough. But once you get settled into a routine, it’s worth spending some time examining…

Health Myths #168 Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Thicker

Health Myths #168 Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Thicker

Whether you’re a man or a woman, it’s likely that you heard this myth repeated to you a lot during those awkward teen years. If you were a man, it might have been encouragement, a secret hint on how to strengthen your moustache and impress your friends. If you were a woman, you might have been offered this sage wisdom in warning – don’t shave, it’ll grow back thicker! Myth: Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker and Thicker – FALSE…

We’ll always have shaving in Paris

We’ll always have shaving in Paris

In the latest part of our quest to bring the world’s best shaving accessories home, Fendrihan took a trip to Paris. Perhaps it isn’t surprising to note that the famous capital of France is home to an amazing selection of razors. Here’s a sneak peak of some of the things we found, and some of the things you can expect to appear at Fendrihan in the future. We stumbled across Planete Rasoir first. Founded in 1966, it’s a breathtaking spectacle…