Seep the benefits of Sea Sponges

Seep the benefits of Sea Sponges

Better than a loofa or a mere washcloth, which can harbor a lot of bacteria and funk over time, natural sea sponges work hard to help keep you clean. What is a Sea Sponge? Extracted from the floor of the ocean, sea sponges are multi-celled organisms classified as animals! Since they grow and reproduce similar to plants, they can also be considered vegan friendly. It circulates water and absorbs nutrients and oxygen through its body of pores and channels. There…

Health Myths #273: Should men shampoo daily?

Health Myths #273: Should men shampoo daily?


Men’s hair matters to a lot of us. It’s part of the first impression we make, and there’s a reason why the perfect pomade, gel, or wax is so sought-after. But when it comes to health and care, men’s hair often doesn’t get the same attention women’s hair does. After all, we have less of it. But a lot of men ask us the same thing over and over: how often should I be shampooing my hair? Myth 1: If…